Thursday 7 November 2019


It is not my intention to welcome you with a regular post. Your time is important to me, and I have a very high regard for it. Hence, it is my sincere hope that what I am about say will be a matter of interest to you. 
As you read this post, you and I remain a rather incomprehensible mystery to one another. Yet, here we are.
 But, I'd like you to know that we may not be all that different after all. You and I, both, are two amongst the seven billion threads that have woven themselves into the burgeoning tapestry of this world. You might think that the connection stops here, but, allow me to persuade you into believing otherwise. 
Both of us are waiting. 
Waiting for something, someone, someday, or, for that matter, even somewhere.
As we both wait, there is an interval, and, that's where Life happens. And, in Life, we are very similar. Why, you ask? 
We both have had happy days. 
We both have had sad days. 
We both have experienced sunshine, wind, thunder and rain. 
We both have loved and have, in turn, been loved by people. 
We both ran, tripped, and fell over. On some occasions, we were able to convert them into a memories, and when we couldn't, they became lessons for us. 
We have DNA's that are different, but only by a 0.1%. 
You see, we aren't all that obscure.  
In this blog, I want to celebrate those instances where we met, with us being completely unaware of our rendezvous. 
Over an emotion. Over rain. Over a heart-breaking fall. Over a triumphant win. Over books, movies and music. Over seas and oceans. 
In this blog, I write about that region in the Venn diagram where the circles meet. 
And, I hope that you'll be a part of this celebration of commonalities, and I hope that you'll enjoy it. 
It has been an absolute pleasure knowing you. 

With Love, 
(A Peculiar Creature)